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- 2024 LCRP Platform as adopted in convention

Chairman David Bruegel
Welcome, and thanks for visiting the Lubbock County Republican Party webpage.
If you are interested in helping us get Republicans elected, join our email list.
We also have multiple affiliate organizations as well, and we do our best to have a good time while working hard to keep our area and state Republican.
If you need more information, please give us a call at 806-797-3197.
May God bless Texas and our United States of America!
David Bruegel
Lubbock County Republican Party
How to participate in party affairs:
First, anyone who has voted in the Republican Primary, either on election day or through early voting, may attend and participate in their voting precinct’s Precinct Convention (details on these will be posted on the Conventions page when appropriate.) It is through this process that one becomes a delegate to the County, or District, Convention.
Second, any registered voter may file, directly with the party’s county chairman or secretary, an application to be placed on the ballot as a candidate for Precinct Chairman for the voter’s precinct of residence. Filing deadlines may be obtained by contacting the party offices. Precinct Chairman, different from Precinct Convention Chairman, are elected by the voters of their precinct and serve a two-year term as members of the County Executive Committee. (Precinct Convention Chairman are elected at the precinct convention and simply chair that meeting and lead their delegation at the County Convention.)
Third, a person wishing to be notified of candidate visits, party events or wanting to volunteer for party work, should join our email list. We use our email list to announce events, put out calls for volunteers, and let you know important local GOP news.
Lubbock County Republican Party
Liberty Plaza
2642 34th Street
Lubbock, Texas 79410
Telephone: 806-797-3197
Email: office@lubbockgop.org
Visit us on Facebook: tba
Our X feed: tba